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Februari 28, 2023

Types of Foods that are Good for Heart Health

When discussing diet and the heart, it will not be far from what foods are good for maintaining heart health. As is known, in order to keep the heart healthy, lifestyle is important to pay attention to.

Actually, when talking about foods that are good for the heart, there are quite a lot of varieties. Most importantly, these foods contain phytonutrients that can make the heart work more optimally.

However, in addition to foods with phytonutrient content, there are certainly many other food sources that are good for the heart. To find out what these foods are, consider the following information.

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Foods that are Good for Heart Health

The relationship between diet and heart is certainly an inseparable one. What you eat can be the cause of whether your heart can work optimally or even experience problems.

Therefore, it is important to pay attention to your daily food consumption. The following are examples of some foods that are good for maintaining the health of your heart.

Green Vegetables

The first food that is good for the heart is green vegetables. This is because these vegetables contain a lot of nutrients such as potassium, calcium, vitamin E, vitamin C, fiber, and also Folate which are beneficial for the heart.

Examples of green vegetables that contain these nutrients include kale, broccoli, pak choy, mustard greens, and spinach. Consume the right portion of these vegetables every day to keep your heart healthy.


The occurrence of heart problems can generally be caused by the amount of bad cholesterol in the body. Therefore, in order to keep your heart healthy, it is better to start limiting the consumption of foods with bad cholesterol content.

One of the food choices that are free of bad cholesterol is oatmeal. The oatmeal contains anti-inflammatory compounds, antioxidants, and high fiber that can help overcome the amount of cholesterol.


Beans are known to be high in phytonutrients that can help keep your heart healthy. In addition, nuts also contain fiber and water that help you to feel full quickly.

The thing that needs to be considered in the consumption of nuts is that 80% of nuts are fat so the calories are high. Therefore, eating nuts should be limited to approximately 600 grams per week.


For those of you looking for foods for your diet and heart, avocados are a pretty simple choice. Avocados contain many nutrients such as unsaturated fatty acids, squalene, vitamin E, and also lipophilic compounds.

These nutrients can help maintain cholesterol levels in your body. As a result, the accumulation and formation of plaques that cause heart disease can be prevented.

Those are some foods for diet and heart that help in reducing the risk of heart disease. Consume these foods with the right portion so that you can get the benefits optimally.

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