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About Us

PT Revass Utama Medika

Established in 2010, PT Revass Utama Medika specializes in distributing cardiology intervention devices throughout Indonesia. Starting with stents and balloons, we have expanded our product range and as of May 2024 we serve more than 286 hospitals through our extensive network in 60 major cities across the country. Committed to quality and reliability, we aim to be the leading medical device distributor in Indonesia.

Best Coverage Area

We are located in all corners of the country and have more than 10 years of experience in focusing on the needs of the best medical devices

Leading The Innovation

Always striving to create an innovation, the products we provide have the best quality with the latest technology as well

Professional Certification

We have even more international certifications to give satisfaction to the best quality

Year in Service

0 +
Our network

Discover our extensive reachacross Indonesia





Major City




By 2023 Revass will have partnered with approximately 286 hospitals with catherization labs across Indonesia, while continuing to increase its coverage.

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News and Event

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Juni 25, 2024

Honoring Tradition and Kindness: PT Revass Utama Medika Presents a Cow for Qurbani Day

In the midst of the meaningful celebration of Eid al-Adha for Muslims around the world, the spirit of sharing and qurbani becomes a very important aspect. Not only as a..

Juni 10, 2024

New Office Groundbreaking

Along with the massive growth of the company, PT Revass is currently building a new office building that will function as a head office. The construction of this office building..

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