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Februari 28, 2024

2024 Revassian Annual Conference

PT Revass Utama Medika has completed the Revassian Annual Conference 2024 which held on 22 – 25 February 2024 at Tentrem Hotel Yogyakarta.

This series of RAC events is very well executed by being an extraordinary platform where we have witnessed brilliant ideas, shared knowledge, created new ideas, celebrated achievements, established connections between teams and strengthened employee commitment.

With the theme “Synchronize the Collaboration” we aim to harmonize the collaboration function allowing sharing ideas, knowledge and skills to create better and innovative solutions.

As we know today, Revass has established a relationship with OrbusNeich Medical Company Ltd., a global medical device manufacturer company from Hong Kong as a strategic partner to develop market potential in Indonesia. Synchronize the Collaboration is expected to provide alignment of vision and mission for the two companies, between Revass Utama Medika and OrbusNeich Medical Limited.

The Annual Conference is succesfully and was enthusiastically attended by all participants. Thank you to all participants and organizers who have participated in the success of this event.

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