Ramadan is a very good month for charity. Giving or sharing the little sustenance we have to those in need will bring life into blessings. In addition, the month of Ramadan is also the right momentum to share and spread happiness to others.
At this moment PT Revass Utama Medika through the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Ramadhan Berkah program provides basic food assistance to residents around the company environment. The basic food assistance contains basic ingredients such as rice, cooking oil, eggs, instant noodles, and sugar, which are distributed through the local RT / RW in the same neighborhood where the company conducts operational activities.
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Sharing Groceries
Revassian Berbagi is an activity program initiated by the company by sharing happiness and love to the surrounding community, especially to the poor, jand, and orphans.
From this basic needs sharing program, it is hoped that the surrounding community can feel the love of happiness as the company’s business grows. So that from this, the company’s goal to help prosper and establish relationships with the surrounding environment can be well realized.
This Revassian sharing CSR program is one of PT Revass Utama Medika’s commitments in providing a positive impact on society, especially in the midst of conditions in the blessed month of Ramadan like today.