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Oktober 3, 2024

Public Health Education

Jakarta, 30 September 2024 – To commemorate World Heart Day and celebrate its 14th anniversary, PT Revass Utama Medika held a heart health education program in the surrounding community. The event was attended by more than 40 senior citizens, aiming to raise awareness about the importance of maintaining a healthy heart.

The event featured health talks delivered by medical professionals, who explained ways to maintain heart health, including diet and the importance of physical activity. One of the participants expressed gratitude for the education provided, “In addition to the education, we also had the opportunity to have a free medical check-up.”

The program also provides health checks such as blood pressure and blood sugar measurements, giving participants the opportunity to know their health conditions. This is very beneficial, especially for those who are elderly.

Sources : Revass Utama Medika

This event was not only to commemorate World Heart Day, but also to show Revass’s commitment to making a positive impact on the environment. The President Director of PT Revass emphasized the importance of collaboration with the community to maintain good health.


With the support of OrbusNeich after the acquisition at the end of 2023, Revass is committed to continue providing quality health solutions. Educational programs like this are part of the company’s strategy to encourage health awareness in the community.

Revass plans to hold similar programs in the future, focusing on improving people’s quality of life through relevant and impactful health initiatives.

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