PT Revass Utama Medika
Best Coverage Area
Leading The Innovation
Professional Certification
Founded in 2010, PT. Revass Utama Medika is a distributor & marketing company of cardiology intervention medical device. It began as an importer and distributor of stent and balloon from OrbusNeich Medical (Holding) B.V, Netherlands. As a growing company, PT. Revass do the expansion of its business by distribute another medical accessories as a supporting device for cardiology intervention.
Now, PT. Revass Utama Medika has a big network sales located in 60 major cities of Indonesia archipelago. As our vision to be the best marketing sales and reliable business partners, we serve the best quality product of cardiology intervention medical device in Indonesia. At end of 2023, we have been collaboration with 286 hospitals around Indonesia, while keep increasing number of hospital coverage.
Our motto
One Stop Solution Medical Devices Distributor
our value
Respect for People
Customer Focus
Always provide best excellent services for customers.

Our Vision
To become a trusted business partner and medical devices distributor in Indonesia.
Our Mission
- Become market leader of medical device distribution in Indonesia.
- Promoting high quality medical devices.
- Providing solutions of medical devices needs.
- Creating best place and pride company for employee.
- Provide an optimal investment for investors.
Our Management
Our Commissioner
Mr. David CHIEN (錢永勛)
President Commissioner
Mr. David CHIEN (錢永勛) is the Chairman, Executive Director and CEO of OrbusNeich. Mr. Chien joined OrbusNeich in February 2000 and is primarily responsible for overseeing the overall strategic planning and policy execution of OrbusNeich.
Mr. Chien has around 27 years of experience in the medical device industry, and was the director of Cordis-Neich Limited from January 1994 to October 1997. He was a director of Tysan Holdings Limited, a company listed on the Stock Exchange (stock code: 0687), from November 1997 to January 2014. Mr. Chien has been the trustee of the Chien Foundation since January 1997 and the governor of KFoundation since July 2019. Mr. Chien was elected as a member of the Board of Trustees of Chung Chi College, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, in 2020.
Mr. Chien studied at York University in Canada.


Our Executive Director

Mr. Andriatno Martono
President Director
Ms. Kwai Ching Denise LAU (劉桂禎)
Ms. Kwai Ching Denise LAU (劉桂禎) is the Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer of OrbusNeich. She is primarily responsible for leading, overseeing and supervising the operation of OrbusNeich.
Ms. Lau has 21 years of legal, business operation and management experience. Ms. Lau was trained and admitted as a solicitor in Hong Kong in 1999, and was subsequently admitted to practice law in England and Wales and the state of New York in 2000 and 2001, respectively. She worked as an attorney in Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison from 2000 to 2006 and joined Morgan Stanley in February 2006, and left as managing director in April 2015. She joined the Group as the general counsel on April 3, 2018, and has been the senior vice president since April 3, 2018.
Ms. Lau obtained her Bachelor of Law degree from The University of Hong Kong in 1996 and obtained her postgraduate certificate in law from the same university in 1997. Ms. Lau also obtained her Master’s degree in international economic law from the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom in January 2001.

Mr. Wing Shing Jason CHEN (陳泳成)
Mr. Wing Shing Jason CHEN (陳泳成) is the Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer of OrbusNeich.
Mr. Chen has over 18 years of experience in auditing, accounting and corporate finance. He joined PricewaterhouseCoopers in December 2003 in the assurance practice and left as senior manager in February 2017. Before joining OrbusNeich, Mr. Chen worked in corporate finance in the property development and investment sector in the PRC. Mr. Chen joined OrbusNeich in April 2017 as the financial controller and was later promoted as the chief financial officer of OrbusNeich in January 2018.
Mr. Chen obtained his bachelor’s degree in business administration, concentrating in financial engineering from The Chinese University of Hong Kong with first class honors in December 2003. He is a certified public accountant in Hong Kong, the State of Washington and the State of Delaware, USA. He is also a charter holder of the Chartered Financial Analyst Institute.

Our Senior Management
Kuncoro Nugroho
Finance and Distribution Director

Satriyo Hermawan
Sales Director
His sales career began in 2009 as a Senior Product Specialist at a Global Medical Technology Company, Boston Scientific Indonesia. In this role, he was responsible for the introduction and sales of advanced medical products, which provided a strong foundation in understanding market needs and effective sales strategies. After gaining valuable experience at Boston Scientific Indonesia, he continued his career at PT Dexa Medika in 2010. In 2012, he joined PT Kalbe Farma, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Indonesia, where he gained further experience in marketing and sales strategies, and built a strong professional network in the industry. With his matured skills and expertise in sales and marketing, he then continued his career at PT Revass Utama Medika, a medical device distributor company, in 2015 as Regional Sales Manager. In this position, he successfully developed effective sales strategies and maximized the performance of the sales team under his leadership. His success and dedication in increasing the company's sales led to his promotion as National Sales Manager in 2021. In 2022, he was promoted again to Head of Sales and he currently serves as Sales Director.

Aditya Bagus
Operating Director

Our Milestone
Explore key achievements and major events in our journey

- Perolehan sertifikasi ISO 37001:2016 (Management Anti Penyuapan).
- Melakukan kerja sama dengan Wego Medical untuk product Neuro Vascular.
- Penambahan jumlah Outlet customer Mencapai 259 Rumah Sakit.
- Akuisisi kepemilikan saham mayoritas sebesar 84% oleh OrbusNeich Medical Ltd.
- PT Revass Utama Medika meraih penghargaan Highest Market Share Contribution to Orbusneich in APAC teritory except Japan.
- Penghargaan dari Lepu Medical sebagai Top Strategic Partner for Occluder.
- Pelaksanaan Employee Incentive Trip di berbagai negara di Eropa.

- Perolehan sertifikasi ISO 90001:2015.
- Melakukan kerja sama dengan PT Fresensius Medical Care Indonesia untuk product critical care.
- Memperluas jaringan bisnis dengan melakukan ekspansi di dunia estetik kecantikan bersama Ronas Korea.
- Penandatanganan Nota Kesepahaman dengan PT Indofarma Tbk.
- Melaksanakan Konsolidasi tender.
- Implementasi Revassian Development Program.

- Keberlanjutan Transformasi digitalisasi di Seluruh Bisnis Proses.
- PT Revass berhasil mendapatkan Sertifikasi CDAKB dan juga ISO 13485 terkait Quality management systems.
- Peningkatan Jumlah Outlets mencapai 223 Rumah Sakit.
- Penambahan beberapa produk baru seperti Congenital & Peripheral Product.

- Transformasi pengelolaan Perusahaan secara Professional.
- Digitalisasi di Seluruh Bisnis Proses dengan menerapkan proses ERP.
- Proses sertifikasi CDAKB.
- Penambahan beberapa produk baru seperti Atherectomy System.

- Transformasi pengelolaan Perusahaan dengan menerapkan proses digital.
- PT Revass Utama Medika meraih penghargaan Highest Market Share Contribution to Orbusneich in APAC teritory except Japan – China.
- PT Revass Utama Medika meraih penghargaan The Highest Sales for Combo in the World yang diberikan oleh OrbusNeich.

- Pembenahan Proses Bisnis pada segala lini terutama pada sisi manajerial.
- PT Revass Utama Medika mendapat penghargaan apresiasi atas partisipasinya dalam event ISICAM-InaLive 2018 dengan tema A Journey of ISICAM: Driving Toward Excellence di Jakarta.

- PT Revass mulai menerapkan proses GCG (Good Corporate Government).
- Peningkatan jumlah Outlets mencapai 105 Rumah Sakit.
- PT Revass Utama Medika mendapat penghargaaan Outstanding Performance Sales Award dari Orbusneich.
- PT Revass Utama Medika meraih penghargaan The Highest Sales for Combo in the World yang diberikan oleh OrbusNeich.

PT Revass Utama Medika mendapat penghargaan apresiasi atas kontribusinya dalam event ISICAM-InaLive 2016 dengan tema Optimizing Outcome With Innovations in Cardiovascular Intervention di Jakarta.
- PT Revass Utama Medika meraih penghargaan The Highest Sales for Combo in the World yang diberikan oleh OrbusNeich.

- Perubahan Komposisi BOM.
- Lepu Medical menjadi salah satu Distributor untuk product Accessories.
- BenQ Medical menjadi salah satu Distributor untuk product Accessories.

- Pendirian PT Revass Utama Medika dengan jumlah karyawan kurang dari 10 orang.
- Orbusneich menjadi Sole Distributor untuk product coronary vascular.